Identifying Leaders

Each of us has been given special gifts, passions, and callings planted deep within our hearts by God Himself. These God-given desires fuel us and compel us toward the unique purpose He created us for.

But here's the cool thing - the Lord doesn't just implant those desires and then leave us to Our own devices. As we seek to walk in obedience, He continually works to expand our capabilities to live out those passions in powerful and effective ways.

God longs to see us walking in the fullness of who He made us to be, operating in the "glory" of our Kingdom callings and impact. But He develops our character, skills, and spiritual maturity alongside those desires, so we have the ability to not just possess that glory, but to offer it back to Him through our lives.

It's such an amazing process to watch unfold! As we remain surrendered to His plan, God equips us with the increasing capacity to fully experience and manifest the wonderful purposes He has destined us for. What an incredible privilege to partner with Him in that journey!